A Message from Pastor Stacy brown
To ensure the safety and demonstrate the wisdom that God calls us to model, the Middle Georgia Christian Church will forfeit meeting socially for corporate worship through April 5th.
As we make the most of every opportunity afforded to us in Christ, please plan to join us virtually for invigorating spiritual content and relevant/life applying messages through our website.
Please be vigilant as updates will follow in order to address our meeting dynamics.
There are many who are in need of prayer and appropriate attention, be prayerful and ready to serve.
Ensure that your share updated contacts (email, phone, etc)
Do NOT Panic!
Psalm 112: 6 - 8a
Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear;​
Updates will follow
- If you feel any symptoms (cough, sneeze, fever), please consider others better, and stay home, take care of yourself, and get treated appropriately.
If you or someone you know does not have medical insurance and there is a need for relative medical assistance, please call: 1 866 PUB HLTH
In Him,
Pastor Stacy Q. Brown
Middle Georgia Christian Church